This subcommittee was created to gather information from instructors/colleges for processes already in place and create a single framework that could be used no matter the discipline.

A proposed framework for peer observation and feedback was crafted to provide instructors formative feedback on three foundational components of the teaching/learning dynamic: planning – instruction – reflection (See Appendix D). To that end, the Framework for Peer Review of Teaching includes guiding questions for a Planning for Instruction pre-observation meeting, guiding questions to be considered by the peer evaluator conducting an Observation of Instruction, and guiding questions for a Post-Observation Reflection meeting. While the Observation of Instruction is central to the framework, the committee suggests that it is through the planning for instruction and the post-observation reflection that instructional practices are refined.  Foundational elements of teaching/learning for this committee were drawn from the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (inTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards (2011, April).

In later stages of the task force’s work, we recognized that the emphasis on peer feedback is useful, but we should also encourage faculty to continue to use outstanding teaching experts on campus in their colleges and across the university in units like the Center for Teaching, Distance and Online Education, and the Office of Consultation and Research in Medical Education. We are working to create a single ICON module that explains both the Peer Tool and the possible expert resources on campus.